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Relieve Stress/Anxiety with 12 Method Health Preservation Qigong-6 week series


In person, 6 week series is facilitated by Dave Crocker, Cultivating Qi, Westford, MA

This on-going pandemic has rattled all of us to varying degrees. We have been moved out of our comfort zone which is unsettling to body, mind and spirit. The resulting stress and anxiety is an unhealthy by-product of the situation we find ourselves in.

Qigong's gentle movements help to move blood and oxygen around the body, nourishing the organs and tissues promoting healing and strengthens the immune system. In addition, due to the connection of the mind to the breath and physical movements, qigong helps to calm the mind, relieving emotional stress and mental anxiety.

 In conformance with state and public health guidelines, the class size is limited (see below). In addition, masks must be worn and social distancing adhered to.

The 12-Method Health Preservation qigong set is very popular so please register early to reserve your spot.

6 Saturdays from 9:00-10:00AM, starting April 10-May 15

Minimum Class Size: 5 participants Maximum class size: 8 participants

Cost: $90.00 or 6 classes from an existing Dragonfly Class Card